Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Book Club

I have not been a great reader , short stories ,spirtual and lifes philosphy intrest me . Fortunately I am surrounded by friends who inspire me to explore more . Tulika Singh  , Reema Nihar and Kajal Kapur. New place , new city and Upasana who again has drived me for the same .

The book reading expirience has been a great pleasure , but what inspired me most to do it is my son .

His love for books creates an earge in me to have  awarness and learn more and seek more . When he expresses himself of what he has read he surprises me .

Paulo Coelho -The Flowing river , book with short stories . VINEESH saw it and picked it up and  what I love the most about it was  he read the index and about the author before he could read the chapter .

The book obviously was not for him but he still tried and said it seems that I should read it few years later .

Today again Paul Coelho - The Alchemist . He saw this book and said . " You remeber he wanted to be an author and ..... " . It was the index info of The Flowing River .

He surprises me always .

He stops and says he wants to read with me
" The secret of life,  is to fall seven times and get up eight times . "

MAMA  he means you have keep trying seven times and eight time you get what you want .

Can I ask you something .

What is the most important treasure of our life . I answered my life it's YOU .

Our life mom . I asked what is it ? .


Knowledge is very important . 

Yes he is my inspiration and that's why reading is becoming an important part of my life .

I always hope that his love for reading continues for  ever .